You Asked for a Sign

Good Morning! Your subconscious has a message for you. And this is where you’re seeing it. If you’re even slightly looking for a sign that this was in fact meant for you, look no further. Because this is the sign you’ve been looking for.

It’s Time

You know how we’ve talked about your Village of Perfect Outcomes? Well, your subconscious needs you to see The Emperor because this card expresses to you that the inner world absolutely influences the outer reality. This had to be highlighted. It had to be emphasized. Because it’s time you begin working to master this.

For the Rest of Your Life

It’s time that you realize that forever more – before making any decision, before worrying about anything, before taking an action, whatever you’re facing…before you do anything, you must and always should visit your Village of Perfect Outcomes. Make this a habit for the rest of your life.

Enter your village through whatever mind cleansing surrender you came up with and see yourself in the perfect outcome. Not how you got there. Just there. Happy, celebrating, content.

You Now Know This

You are changing your mental approach. Which is changing your physical approach. It happens slowly at first. So look for the tiny details as your proof. The more often you visit your village the more you will see things differently, more optimistically. This will influence your decisions, and “coincidentally” people and circumstances will come into your life to mirror your new, perfect headspace.

That’s just how it works. And you can prove it to yourself right now. Just look for how your life is exactly what you think it is.

Know That…

It’s going to take time. But every time you do this you build your faith/confidence, and you build your optimism. It takes practice to reach mastery of this new knowledge. So commit yourself to practice. Then make it a habit and never quit.

To Share With Someone Who Needs It…

coffee, manifesting horoscope, inner world, reality, subconscious

Certainly Uncertain

September 9, 2021 | Life | Comments (1)

Certainly Uncertain

When we seek to make a change in our lives, it’s certainly understandable that we’d like to see proof of the changes we desire in the world around us. We’re all used to that “cause and effect” reality. It’s awkward to think of reality as anything but physical. But there’s certainl

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Tag : certainly, coincidence, fantasy, imagine, Manifesting, possibilities, reality, self awareness, the mind, thoughts, validation, worth it

Change Does Heal Your Heart

September 9, 2021 | Advice | Comments (0)

Change Does Heal Your Heart

Your subconscious wants to start off with, you're doing really good. It takes a little time and practice, but you are beginning to realize that by simply setting a goal you are the one who is creating the change you are experiencing. Which makes the change more palatable, and you less resistant to

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Tag : certainly, coincidence, fantasy, imagine, Manifesting, possibilities, reality, self awareness, the mind, thoughts, validation, worth it, change, Coffee, conscious creation, goal, heal your heart, healing, Inspiration, Manifesting, morning coffee, relationships, subconscious

The People You Love

September 9, 2021 | Life | Comments (0)

The People You Love

This is not to say that they don’t love you. It’s just that many people don’t see the imbalance when their needs appear greater than any other. So just be wary of trying to be everything to everyone you care about. Establish healthy boundaries and objective understanding of your role

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Tag : certainly, coincidence, fantasy, imagine, Manifesting, possibilities, reality, self awareness, the mind, thoughts, validation, worth it, change, Coffee, conscious creation, goal, heal your heart, healing, Inspiration, Manifesting, morning coffee, relationships, subconscious, boundaries, emotions, empathy, feelings, imbalance, love, loved ones, needs

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