Smart Goals | Your Truth

When you know what you want, you’ll often find yourself wondering how to get it. But goals are different from what you want. Setting smart goals makes everything you do, from the time you set them onward, a part of a journey of achievement. You’ve likely heard many, many, many times that you have to…

Chasing Your Dreams

It’s such a tiny detail that it often goes unnoticed. But the more you engage in the “pursuit of happiness,” the more you “chase your dreams,” the more “chase” you create. You become so focussed on the effort, you won’t notice that you are actually already in the process of achieving. A simple exercise will…

Out With The Old…You

What’s done is done. And now you are free to do things differently, or the same as you normally would. But you know that you cannot do things the same if you want to live a changed life. So that answers that. The Old You I’m not saying that this is going to be easy….

A WTF Time Saver

This time saving message comes from the 9 of Cups reversed and a transformational latte. But before we get to it, let’s review things to this point. You found a shortcut to your goal. Then you pointed the way by calling attention to the distinguishing details you provide to your craft. Now you’re approaching your…