What Are The Chances Of A Life Change?

Do you ever wonder why people say that their vision boards work? It’s not that you are creating based on the images you repeat, or telling yourself grand stories so you can manifest something amazing. It’s that you’re attempting to show yourself what actually exists. You’re attempting to show yourself that what you want is,…

Remember That Thing That Happened?

The truth is, repeating thoughts and reliving events are the equivalent to looking down and studying the details of a foundation which has already been laid. Those things that happened had to happen so you could be in a better position to see what is possible. Stop staring at the details of what happened. Stand…

You’re Focused on That Bad Decision

So…right now you seem to be recalling the consequences of your “bad” decisions. But you’re not just remembering them, you’re focusing on them. When you focus on them, you apply them to all aspects of your life. This is how you see yourself as lacking something. And this is what results in emotions like fear…

Your Personal (and professional) Life

You are looking for something long-term right now. So it’s important that you do not, I repeat, do not partake in momentary infatuations. I know they may have promise to be something long-term, but right now you simply do not know. Stick with those whom you know share the same vision as you. Go so…

Short-Lived Promises

Your desire for your goals is so inspiring. But please remember, that such strong desire can cloud your judgement. You need a level head when you’re deciding which relationships will help you reach your goal. Know that right now you can easily be seduced by the possibilities offered by someone shiny and new. And while…

Just Waitin’ On You

There’s just one reason that yesterday’s tarot card showed up reversed today. So let’s clear this up. Because our latte is letting you know that your subconscious is just waitin’ on you. Quick Recap Yesterday, after reading the coffee horoscope, you told yourself that you were going to set aside some time to relax your…