You’re The Fool…in a good way

We often think of The Fool as an individual who is going along, enjoying the physical/material realities of life. The Fool may come close to the edge of a cliff, but to this point has been guided to safety. But The Fool eventually falls off that cliff and finds him/herself in a new world. And at this point we usually jump to the next card in the deck.

We know that The Fool will begin to take stock of this new world and all the tools at his/her disposal. The Fool experiences this new world as The Magician. But today we need to talk about the time just after The Fool takes the fall. Before they pick themselves up and take stock of their surroundings.

We need to address the losses The Fool perceives, and set the record straight.

Temporarily Over It

You finally got over something. You reached a point of acceptance. And you’ve actually been enjoying life for a change. Sound familiar? This is you being The Fool. This is not to say that you are “foolish.” Just free to enjoy your life without all of those pesky, limiting emotions getting in the way.

But life’s journey is perpetual. You may soon look around only to feel that you are dissatisfied. Maybe you want more. Or maybe the life you’ve been leading has run its course and it’s time for something new. We tend to look at these feelings as something negative. But they are nothing of the sort.

Never Satisfied

When you begin to feel dissatisfied with life, or wanting even more from it, you might be tempted to say “I’m never satisfied” or “when will it be enough?”. Others may say it to you, too. All you know is that it feels as though you’re constantly chasing something. And it’s exhausting. This is the feeling of loss The Fool experiences moments after the fall.

The only thing you need to realize is that you have slipped off of that cliff and a new journey is set out before you. And even though the surroundings look the same, you are very different. There is another world for you to experience.

Don’t Waste Too Much Time

Don’t spend too much time wondering why you’re never satisfied. Or too much time convincing yourself why you should be satisfied. And don’t let thoughts of what you might lose weigh you down. Because the truth is, all that you have comes with you.

By now you’ve had enough beginnings to know that this fall has been caused by you. Deep down, you wanted this. Because you know that there is more to experience than the life you just left behind. You are just in a period of brief mourning. The confusion immediately after the fall.

You have so much experience with beginnings that deep down you know that there is so much more to come…once you start taking a look around.

new beginnings, coffee, horoscope, tarot, start over, wisdom

What You’re Meant to Read Next

Coffee Cliche of the Day

August 15, 2021 | mindfulness | Comments (0)

Coffee Cliche of the Day

Today we’re borrowing a phrase from Josie de Vere and titling this piece, “Coffee Cliche of the Day.” We often hear things like, “Have hope” and “There’s always hope.” They seem a bit worn out, so much so, they’ve become cliche. But they’re a cliche because they’re all true.

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Tag : believe, believe in yourself, cliche, confidence, green, higher self, hope, inner wisdom, insightful meditation, intuition, iris, latte art, law of attraction, meditation, morning coffee, self confidence, there's always hope, third eye, truth

How to Build a Beginning

August 15, 2021 | Advice | Comments (0)

How to Build a Beginning

It's so easy to get wrapped up in your thoughts, especially now that you know how they influence your life. You may find yourself spending more time in your head rather than doing things in your physical reality. So this morning your subconscious wants to make things a bit easier for you. Your subc

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Tag : believe, believe in yourself, cliche, confidence, green, higher self, hope, inner wisdom, insightful meditation, intuition, iris, latte art, law of attraction, meditation, morning coffee, self confidence, there's always hope, third eye, truth, beginning, Coffee, conscious, curiosity, curious, ending, evolve, Horoscope, Inspiration, learning, life's plan, make a plan, Manifesting, mastery, meditation, morning coffee, start over, student, subconscious, thoughts, wisdom

About That Awakening Everyone Is Talking About

August 15, 2021 | Life | Comments (0)

About That Awakening Everyone Is Talking About

Your brain always gets you the answers you want. Sometimes you have your “Eureka” moment, other times it perfectly points the direction by helping you see the patterns necessary to get what you want. Your brain is so amazing, you will always get the best possible outcome, based on your expe

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Tag : believe, believe in yourself, cliche, confidence, green, higher self, hope, inner wisdom, insightful meditation, intuition, iris, latte art, law of attraction, meditation, morning coffee, self confidence, there's always hope, third eye, truth, beginning, Coffee, conscious, curiosity, curious, ending, evolve, Horoscope, Inspiration, learning, life's plan, make a plan, Manifesting, mastery, meditation, morning coffee, start over, student, subconscious, thoughts, wisdom, answers, awakening, create, expectations, experience, limitation, no limits, possibility, reality, wake up, wanting

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