The Truth You Seek

When words are spoken from the heart, new life is born. Yesterday was about what was in your mind, today is about what is in your heart. The heart is the place of true honesty, which is why we prefer to listen to it when it suits our mind. But if we listen to it when it’s telling us something our mind doesn’t wish to hear we begin to surrender to the idea that something better is in store for us. There’s really no point in not being honest with ourselves, because the heart doesn’t lie. Even if we tell ourselves it does, or even if we want it to.

No matter what it is, the truth will always bring amazing new beginnings – no matter how painful the truth is in the moment. The answers you seek are in your heart’s truth. You just have to admit it. Remember, the heart will always give you the wisdom you need. It will help you face what is necessary so you can move forward. Even if you don’t want to admit it now. The heart will wait. Because the heart is the most patient part of you.