Out With The Old…You

What’s done is done. And now you are free to do things differently, or the same as you normally would. But you know that you cannot do things the same if you want to live a changed life. So that answers that.

The Old You

I’m not saying that this is going to be easy. But it won’t be hard either, as long as you consider what I’m about to say.

You already know that it is your usual actions and reactions, decisions and choices, which are why you keep experiencing the same old situations. So the first thing you need to do is realize that the life you see for yourself does not include this old version of you.

New You

When you visualize a better life, you may not realize that you are also seeing a better version of you in it. So you need to figure out what and how this new you would think, and what the new you would do, too.

Then start practicing. Think those things and do those things in your present life. If the new you would be more patient, practice being more patient now. If the new you would be more logical, be more logical now. Practice. Because your practices will evolve into more knowledge and you will grow. You will become this new version of you. Which is exactly who you need to be to bring the life you dream of right to you.

The Moral

coffee, horoscope, out with the old, new me, manifesting, new life

How to Set Yourself Free

October 20, 2021 | Manifesting | Comments (0)

How to Set Yourself Free

We are going to start at the beginning, with the 4 of Pentacles reversed. Because that's what we must reconcile before we can realize that we are intentionally confusing ourselves to avoid committing to the very change we say we want. Am I Confused? Your subconscious wants you to know that, "

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Tag : change, Coffee, commitment, confused, freedom, get what you give, Horoscope, intention, leave the past behind, letting go, morning coffee, receiving, set yourself free, taking, the past, valued

Observe the Chaos

October 20, 2021 | Tarot | Comments (1)

The Page of Swords looks at the seemingly chaotic imagery of our latte this morning. But The Page asks you to remain calm and quiet as you observe your situations today. While The Page has a lot of good information, they know that they are not yet the master of any of it. So be an observer today

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Tag : change, Coffee, commitment, confused, freedom, get what you give, Horoscope, intention, leave the past behind, letting go, morning coffee, receiving, set yourself free, taking, the past, valued, chaos, clarity, Coffee, communication, energy, intuition, keep quiet, latte, observe, page of swords, silence, understanding

The Lesson That Changes Everything

October 20, 2021 | The Universe | Comments (1)

The Lesson That Changes Everything

This week has been a big deal. You've learned so much and The Universe wants you to know that it's time to celebrate. Celebrate with your current circles, your family, even give a nod to generations passed - they contributed to your knowledge, too. You have turned a corner and what you've learne

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Tag : change, Coffee, commitment, confused, freedom, get what you give, Horoscope, intention, leave the past behind, letting go, morning coffee, receiving, set yourself free, taking, the past, valued, chaos, clarity, Coffee, communication, energy, intuition, keep quiet, latte, observe, page of swords, silence, understanding, better days, celebration, change, coincidence, congratulations, consciousness, ego, flower of life, good times, lessons, life, Manifesting, struggle, Tarot

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